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Home / Products in / Food / Canned Boiled Mackerel 180g

Canned Boiled Mackerel 180g

The flavor and nutrition of the season mackerel are packed tightly

This is made from carefully selected large mackerel of about 400g or more from the autumn mackerel whose fat increases from autumn to winter.
For this product, you can directly understand the original taste of mackerel, using only about 1% of carefully selected salt and "Fuji vinegar" to enhance the ingredients. It can be widely used for various recipes such as tuna can.

[Ingredients] Mackerel, salt, rice vinegar

BEST BEFORE: 2023/01

Brand: F-CBM
Price: HK$ 30.00
The flavor and nutrition of the season mackerel are packed tightly

This is made from carefully selected large mackerel of about 400g or more from the autumn mackerel whose fat increases from autumn to winter.
For this product, you can directly understand the original taste of mackerel, using only about 1% of carefully selected salt and "Fuji vinegar" to enhance the ingredients. It can be widely used for various recipes such as tuna can.

[Ingredients] Mackerel, salt, rice vinegar

BEST BEFORE: 2023/01
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